Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Church of Barack Obama. . . est. 2008

The Church of Barack Obama is now Open! All are welcome and if you prefer a non-smoking pew, one will be assigned for you.

All Hail the Messiah!

The Church of Barack Obama is not affiliated with the Church of Elvis. . .


witchywoman said...

What kind of music will we sing? Church hyms, or gospel? Both? Oh we need another song. Let's title it YES WE CAN!!

Animaltrout said...

The Church of Barack Obama will Start with the hymn "How great thou art". followed by communion with Ted Kennedy first tasting the wine, tasting it a second and third time, I'm sorry! it's all gone. And Michael Moore breaking the bread, that is the body of the great one Obama. . . Damn, he ate it all too!

Please remember to bring your own Cool Aid and bread to the Church of Barack Obama.

witchywoman said...
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